This document outlines our editorial policies, the editorial team, and responsibilities for
The first part of our policy centers around who is allowed to publish content to In essence, this is concerning our blog articles.
The Editorial Team
Our editorial team consists of three levels of checks and balances, and verification of articles and their respective content.
For details regarding staff who contribute to our content and verification process, please refer to our About Us page. There you will find details of qualifications and experience.
Level 1. Copywriter checks
Writers for are selected and appreciated for a variety of skills they offer. The main criteria are either an existing or ongoing veterinarian qualification and/or a practicing veterinarian.
Or, for general written content, they possess a high level of general knowledge, understanding, and experience in the field of nature, environmental science or wildlife and related topics, coupled with adequate analytical, academic and presentation skills. Sufficient enough to carry out the necessary research and in-depth analysis when writing topics.
Level 2. Publisher checks
When articles are presented for publication, they are subjected to a secondary check for factual data, citations and other information. For relevance, uniqueness, quality and educational content. This check is made by the proprietor of before publication.
Level 3. Professional verification
Once published, within a short period of time, and before the content is likely to be seen or found on search engines. Our content is then checked a third time by a fully qualified veterinarian practitioner. This final check is for accuracy and quality of content and is backed by qualified personnel.
Where inaccuracies are found, the content is then referred back to Level 2. Publisher Checks. The content may then be referred back to Level 1. to check specifics of any articles or content. The process would then be repeated until all and any corrections have been made.
Publication stamp
Once checked and verified, the content is then stamped with a checked and verified paragraph to demonstrate and confirm our editorial process. Here is a sample of the checked and verified stamp.
This content has been checked and verified by a qualified veterinary practitioner. The article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.
We are committed to ensuring the utmost care is taken with regard to our content and that it is fully researched. This is done via online publications, journals, qualified knowledge, and first-hand experience.
User verification
We would always encourage visitors and users of the website to provide further experience and knowledge to enrich and verify the content we provide.
Where users feel we have been inaccurate or unfair in our portrayal of facts and details, we would request they contact us so that we can double-check and update our content.
Unless already provided, we may request evidence-based information and/or user experience to confirm any additional input is correct. Any user-based content can be submitted by email. Alternatively, we monitor all comments added to our articles for information that may question the accuracy of the post. Where we suspect inaccurate details we will investigate further.
The flow of information and checks and balances is outlined in the flowchart below.

It is the responsibility of each article writer to ensure they are providing researched and accurate information within the article.
It is the responsibility of the website owner to ensure and maintain the accuracy of our content.
It is the responsibility of the qualified veterinary staff to ensure they are providing full and complete professional knowledge and attention to articles published for public viewing and education.
User-provided information
In deciding to contact rangerplanet with evidence-based information, you are providing us with permission to use the evidence to update and/or correct any information provided within our articles.
If you do not wish to have your provided evidence published, then please inform us when submitting it.
Engagement and Tone
Although backed by academic information, our articles are portrayed in a relaxed and informal tone. This is to provide readability for visitors and those looking to learn more about the subject matter in an informal setting.
We do not knowingly engage in any offensive or demeaning information to any person, animal or geographical location. Our tone is set to be neutral yet informative. Therefore, we use the words “I”, “we”, and “us” interchangeably to aid a relaxed feel to the learning journey.
Where possible, we include relevant images and videos for additional guidance. Also where required we produce our own illustrations and infographics to enrich the educational value.
We highly encourage the sharing of our content on social media platforms and other methods. However, all rights are reserved on our created content, in line with the details set out in our terms and conditions.
We take great care in ensuring our content is unique and non-plagiarized. Citations are always highlighted and placed accordingly where we quote from other sources.
As per our terms and conditions, if you feel any information is in breach of copyright then we would happily review it and immediately remove content for which we do not have permission to publish.
Content Development
Content is published on a weekly basis, but there is no set pattern to our posting schedule. Content output can range from one a week to several a week. Article topic and length varies.
Rangerplanet provides 4 blog categories
- Nature Facts – general knowledge and specific posts about a single species and a single aspect of their description, behavior, diet, habitat, conservation, etc
- Species – information about a single species, usually involving an in-depth article on everything regarding that particular animal or species, including description, behavior, diet, habitat, conservation, etc
- Nature Guides – general guides on a group of animals, a region, or an academic aspect of nature, environmental science, and wildlife
- Reviews – usually a review of a product, service or course material
Writer recruitment
If you would like to consider writing for rangerplanet, then please get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you and discuss what we write about, and how we write our content. Provide any experience, passions or qualifications when you contact us. We look forward to hearing from you
To provide feedback on this policy, other rangerplanet policies or statements, or rangerplanet in general, please direct all correspondence here in the first instance.