Do Spiders Come Out At Night? When, Why, Spider Nocturnal Habits

Have you ever wondered, when you’re sleeping, will a spider come out and… crawl on you? Some people hate creepy crawlies like spiders, so we’re going to answer all those mysterious questions you may be asking about spiders coming out at night.

Do spiders come out at night? House spiders, which are commonly seen around your house in autumn, are most active during the night and will come out. It is common to also see them throughout the day as well but they will usually be hiding in the corners of rooms. 

But what do they do when they come out at night? Where do they go? In this article, we will be diving into all the questions you might be asking.

What do spiders do at night?

At night spiders will usually spin their webs, using spinnerets, which is why sometimes in the morning you might see a spider web that wasn’t there the night before.

This process will take the average spider about an hour to complete. Some spiders such as wolf spiders do have spinnerets but they don’t make webs as we imagine them. Instead, they’ll hunt for prey, they mainly use their spinnerets to form an egg sac in which the female spider will carry her young.

spiders spin webs at night
spiders spin webs at night

Do you swallow spiders at night?

The thing that people say about how a human will swallow a certain amount of spiders a year is actually a myth, spiders will tend to stay away from humans, this is because the vibrations, breath, heartbeat, talking, and yes especially snoring, all these aspects you give off while you’re sleeping will drive any spider away. So, in fact, spiders are quite scared of you.

Where do spiders go at night?

As we mentioned previously, spiders will make a web. Once they’ve finished making their web, they’ll likely stay there throughout the night …and into the following day.

What do spiders do with insects on their web at night?

Spiders don’t eat very frequently but if there are insects available then they would spend some time eating it during the time they’re awake – which will probably be at night.

The way a spider eats insects is by sticking its fangs into its prey and injecting poison, which then turns its prey’s guts into a liquid form, which the spider will then drink as a way to hydrate and eat.

Can spiders see better at night?

Actually, spiders don’t have very good eyesight even during the night so the way they get around and find prey that they’ve caught on their web is mainly by using vibrations. Don’t be fooled by the amount of eyes spiders have – because they aren’t as useful as you might think.

Why don’t spiders come out more during the day?

Many spiders are nocturnal meaning they will only (or mostly) come out during the night, this helps to not be a potential meal for predators, because most of a spider’s predators are diurnal meaning they will only come out during the day. So, therefore, you’re less likely to see a spider during the day time.

So why do I see spiders during the day?

The most likely time you’ll see spiders is during the evening because females like to make their webs between the hours of 6:00 pm and 9:00 pm these times may vary but if you see them any earlier then they’re most likely running away from something or going to their web …or hiding in a corner until it gets darker.

Learning Resources

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Scary Spiders: Everything you want to know about these eight-legged creepy-crawlies in one amazing book

Scary Spiders has all you ever wanted to know about spiders. How they spin their webs, how they hunt! Discover the amazing variety of spiders – from the deadly Black Widow to the ginormous Goliath bird-eating tarantula. It’s a great resource book for adults and children.

Simulated Spider Model Realistic Plastic Spider Figurines

Or get up close and personal with these realistic spider figurines, learn to be near realistic looking spiders and find out that they’re not so scary after all!

Video Resources

To finish…

Spiders do come out at night more frequently than the day because they’re nocturnal. At night they’ll most likely spend time making their webs, catching prey, and avoiding predators by staying hidden in the darkness. We hope this has been useful for finding out more about spiders and they’re nocturnal habits! …Not so scary after all right?!

This content has been checked and verified by a qualified veterinary practitioner. The article has been reviewed by our editorial board and has been approved for publication in accordance with our editorial policy.


A Certified Ecologist and an Entomologist, Michael has been interested in all aspects of Nature for many years. It's only now he's decided, along with his partner Fran, to begin documenting what he knows.

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